Top Tips for Better Science Sales Calls

Top Tips for Better Science Sales Calls

The Network Scientific telesales team are making science sales calls day-in, day-out, making company introductions for a variety of different scientific products and services across a wide range of sectors. Not only do we love it, we’ve been doing it for over 13...
Scientific Sales Considerations

Scientific Sales Considerations

Many people are intimidated at the thought of selling scientific or other highly technical products and services when, in reality, there are no major differences to selling any other products or services. Here are a few scientific sales considerations we thought you...
UK Certification Changes

UK Certification Changes

As consumers, we all take comfort knowing that companies are conforming to the rules and regulations set out by the governing bodies that be. As such, it can bring solace to see the “CE” marking on a new product. The CE marking is and was a manufacturers declaration...