
Whether it’s the latest scientific news, our advice to achieving business success in the technical industry, or our own business announcements. You can keep up to date with our scientific sales and marketing agency. Explore some of our expert insights below!

Telesales and GDPR

Scientific telesales can be challenging enough without the added fear around GDPR non-compliance. Take a look at the Network Scientific guide to GDPR and telesales when calling for scientific outreach. How to maintain GDPR compliance when cold-calling.

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The Science Behind Christmas

We do love a good bit of scientific copywriting and really enjoyed writing this one! A bit of fun for you this festive season as we delve into the science behind Christmas. From the science of sprouts, to Santa’s sleigh…

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Life Sciences Marketing Planning & Execution

Our handy guide to walk you through the creation of a successful life sciences marketing strategy for your business. From brand audits, to competitor analyses, through to the creation of SMART marketing goals and implementation, we’ve got you covered.

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