by zara jackson | Jul 15, 2024 | Blog, Company News, Interest
Network Scientific are a registered provider with NBSL and we are delighted to inform you about new grant funding available. The NoTBSF (North of Tyne Business Support Fund) The Fund covers up to 50% of eligible business spend and grants are available to support...
by Elizabeth Taylor | Mar 1, 2023 | Blog, Interest
Women’s history month: 10 female pioneers of scientific discovery With the power to revolutionize the world, scientific discovery is a major player within our society. Through scientific research, we’re able to develop a profound understanding of the world as we know...
by Ashleigh Clegg | Apr 25, 2022 | Interest
Since this world-altering discovery, many more have followed that have helped us uncover the key to all biological life, to cure diseases and even create novel species. Below, is a small selection of some of the greatest discoveries in DNA in 2022, we hope you enjoy...
by Emily Hatfield | Apr 21, 2022 | Interest
As part of our dedication to support environmental protection, here’s our tips and suggestions to help improve the sustainability of your laboratory and be more environmentally friendly. In a time where we are all increasingly aware of the destructive effects of...