Marketing Services

What makes Network Scientific different?

At Network Scientific we have both commercial specialists and industry experienced scientists in out team. This means we have both the commercial drive to get results and the scientific and technical knowledge to represent you credibly. We specialise in the scientific, technical and engineering sectors and our consultants regularly train to increase both the breadth and depth of their technical knowledge; and to hone their already impressive business development skills.

What are the benefits of outsourced sales and marketing?

Outsourcing has become something of an industry trend of late because people who want to grow their companies know it makes sense. With Network Scientific you get a ready-made sales & marketing team backed up by a wealth of scientific knowledge and ready to hit the ground running. No costly recruitment, none of the administrative burden of onboarding a new member of staff, and no commitment if things don’t work out. Instead we offer a flexible, adaptable and scalable business development solution that has been tried and tested across a hugely diverse range of markets.

Couldn’t I just do this in-house?

Of course you can. And once you’ve tried Network Scientific Sales and Marketing you may decide to recruit your own in-house sales team (that’s where Network Scientific Recruitment can help you). However, a permanent in-house sales team won’t give you the flexibility or instant delivery of a ready-made outsource sales team. Ultimately, it’s all about finding the best solution for your business, and whether that’s outsourcing, recruiting or a blend of both, we can help.

Sales Services

How quickly will I see results?

This is impossible to predict with 100% certainty as every campaign is different and has its own unique features and challenges. Generally, we find that 12 weeks (at one day per week) will yield a good indication of the campaign’s potential to deliver over the longer term. This is why we offer a 12-week trial at a reduced day-rate. Want a trial period for a longer or shorter? Contact us to discuss.

Isn’t cold calling illegal now GDPR is here?

Not if you are calling people who are of legitimate interest to the business. Our processes mean that the people/businesses that we are contacting come under this category. Of course anyone has the right ‘to be forgotten’ from our databases if they do not wish to be contacted again.

Do you do B2C?

We specialise in business-to-business lead-generation rather than business to consumer sales so B2C isn’t something that we currently provide, and we don’t anticipate providing it in the future.

What are your fees?

We work on a single fixed day-rate with a respectable reduction during our 12-week trial period. No supplementary charges, no hidden extras. If anything that we do as part of your campaign is going to incur extra costs (for example travelling to attend a trade show on your behalf) we’ll let you know how much it will cost before we do it and give you the power of veto.

Do you do pay-per-lead?

We don’t work on a pay-per-lead basis because we don’t believe in it. Pay-per-lead has a tendency to lead to pushy sales and low-quality leads. We don’t want this, and we’re pretty sure that you don’t either.

Do your sales people get commission?

Our Business Consultants don’t get commissioned per lead (in common with pay-per-lead, this can lead to pushy selling), instead they receive an annual bonus based on their performance against an internal revenue-generation target.

Do you guarantee and number of leads?

Any lead generation campaign involves an inherent level of risk and there are no guarantees. With that in mind we don’t guarantee to deliver a minimum number of leads. What we do promise is effort, commitment and talent. If the opportunities are out there, we will find them for you.

How do you generate leads?

This is a multi-stage process. We first identify prospect companies to contact and the relevant decision maker(s) within those companies. We will then contact the decision makers; usually by telephone but potentially by email or LinkedIn if phoning doesn’t work; and set out your company’s offering to establish you as either a solution or an asset. This process can involve several conversations as we bring other decision makers and influencers in the company into the conversation. The objective is to get the decision maker(s) to commit to a meeting or a further contact were your company can begin the actual selling process to a potential customer who is already ‘warmed up’.

How many leads will you get me?

We don’t promise or predict to deliver a certain number of leads as all campaigns are different and involve numerous variables, however based on our experience to date somewhere between one and five leads per day of calling is not unusual.

Where do you get your data?

All the places you would normally expect: already existing networks, internet searches, company websites, LinkedIn and other social media, journal articles and online directories to list a few examples. We don’t tend to use data companies as the nature of what we do is fairly niche. An understanding of our clients’ target markets (and therefore their requirements) can often be difficult to communicate to these companies resulting in data with a poor hit-rate.

Do you use call scripts?

We don’t use call-scripts. Scripted calls are horrible, easy to spot and lack effectiveness. Instead we have an actual conversation with your prospect, each tailored to most effectively put across your value proposition as it applies to them. We do however use check-lists to ensure that we’re keeping conversations on track and hitting all the salient sales points

How many calls will you make?

Typically, we would expect to make around 60 dials per day, this may adjust up or down depending on the nature of the campaign and how technical and involved the conversations become.

What if i want to stop during a campaign?

If you would like to stop or pause your campaign all you need to do is give us four weeks’ notice.

What if you get me too much work?

Simply pause your campaign until things calm down a little. Of course, we can also help you to recruit so that you have additional capacity.

Can you work with my in-house sales team?

Absolutely yes. In fact, this is one of our preferred ways of working. Using Network Scientific will enable your people to spend more of their time in sales meetings, where the sale actually happens, and less time doing all the associated legwork.

Who owns the data you capture?

Any data that we capture while delivering your campaign is 100% yours.

Will you sell my data?

No. Definitely not. Not ever.

How do you report to me?

We default to reporting weekly and will send you a written report by email at the end of every week. If there is a particularly hot lead or an issue that we discover which is time-sensitive, we will contact you by telephone immediately.

How will you protect my data?

We hold all our business data on external cloud servers. These servers are highly secure and fully backed up to ensure full protection of all data held.

Do I need to provide you with a list of companies to contact?

You don’t need to, but you can if you like. We can work from data provided by you or data that we capture, or a blend of the two. Most of our clients give us occasional lists of companies that they would like us to specifically target.

Can you work in my CRM system?

Provided it’s an online CRM system then yes, provided you can give us a login.

How much involvement will I have with my campaign?

As much or as little as you like. Generally, our clients have a fairly close involvement during the beginning stages of a campaign where we are, to a degree, still finding our feet. As the campaign progresses the amount of engagement and input we would need decreases pretty rapidly.

How do I start?

Simply contact us by email or give us a call on 01423 813520. We’d be very happy to discuss your requirements.

Design Services

What if I don't like the design you create for me?

All of our design quotes include reasonable amends to anything we design for you. If what we create for you in first stage isn’t quite what you had envisioned, work with us, tell us the elements you like and which ones you don’t and we will work with you to create something that you are really pleased with!  

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